Attention Veterans, Active Duty and Retired Military Service Members

WELCOME HOME!!! If you are a veteran of any war the United States has been involved in including those still who are in or have been in the Afghan or Iraqi Theaters. Mahogany models will give you a huge discount on our wooden model purchases. If you are currently On ACTIVE DUTY or RETIRED Military you are also eligable for a 10-20% discount on the products we sell.

To gain access to the Veterans discount sight Email us at With your H.Q. Co, A.O., Unit designation and years of service. Or please call in your order (620) 754-3555. It will be worth your time. If you are not one of the above please DO NOT claim you are. Or please call in your order (620) 754-3555

To all veterans. Thank you and God Bless you! You have all paid an unmeasurable price for what most of us take for granted.

"Those Who have seen war never stop seing it"
Harold G More, Joe Galloway
"We Were Soldiers Once
and Young"


wooden airplane models